Without exception, every client I work with mentions wanting to work on their weight, energy levels, feeling “blah,” lacking motivation, sleep problems, bad eating habits, lack of exercise, issues with self-confidence, and/or no time for healthy living. I decided it was time to enlist expert, nutritionist and triathlon coach Leslie Knibb to provide some guidance for us on the power of a healthy lifestyle. Read on for her valuable insight, and how you can combine it with life coaching to show up as the best version of yourself every day.
Cleaning up your diet takes great strength and determination. Every. Single. Day. It’s challenging in a world where we are surrounded and often bombarded with marketing efforts to treat ourselves to some delicious looking (but highly processed) foods. We’re welcomed into a grocery store with a giant, freshly baked cookie display and colorful snacks recommended to accompany your TV viewing. As far back as Socrates and Aristotle, humans have been acting against their better judgment. The ancient Greek philosophers called the behavior “akrasia.” It is the state of procrastination or when you lack self-control. Humans are hard-wired to put a greater value on immediate gratification than future rewards. When you set a goal, to lose weight for example, you are making a plan for our future self, picturing what you want your life to look like, or be like in the future. But your decisions on the way to your future self are in the here and now. Keeping this in mind can help you make decisions based on where you want to be and who you want to be, by managing where and who you are now.
Some steps to help you:
- Set yourself up for success. Come up with strategies to improve the likelihood of making good food choices. The food options you make available to yourself, starting at the grocery store, can immediately support you in making good choices. If you buy healthy food in bulk, package the foods in individual bags to help you avoid consuming too much of a good thing. (Except maybe vegetables – have all the green, leafy vegetables you’d like!)
- Automate as much as possible. The fewer choices you have to make, the less likely you’ll make bad ones. So, decide on a breakfast that’s healthy and that you enjoy and have that breakfast every day. Limit your meal options at work by bringing your healthy lunch to work with you. Plan ahead, shop to support that, then eat and enjoy!
- Mark your calendar. Studies show that when you make a plan to start a particular behavior at a specific time, you’re more likely to make it happen. For cleaning up your eating, it’s every day, but try setting yourself a 30 day challenge. For 30 days, drink more water, eat your automated meals, limit the bad food options available in your house, and see what the scale – or your clothes – tell you.
Knowing that we’re human and hard-wired to seek immediate gratification, strive to achieve your “enkrateia,” or what Aristotle referred to as the opposite of akrasia. Enkrateia is defined as “power over oneself.” In striving to be the best that you can be, seek power over yourself every day and before you know it, you’ll be the future self that you envisioned.
Life Coaching & the Power of a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is incredibly important in helping you achieve your goals and show up as the best version of yourself. Getting on the right track to holistic wellness will support your overall success. The word “discipline” can mean many things to many people. Sometimes, “discipline” means slowing down, setting intentions, being with your family, cooking a beautiful meal or showing up for yourself for some time outdoors or at the gym. If you feel you’re spinning your wheels, procrastinating or that obstacles are blocking your journey to wellness, contact Catharine Ecton Coaching today. Here are some of the things my clients say they’ve gained as a result:
- Self Confidence
- Self Awareness
- Ability to go outside their comfort zone
- A feeling of fulfillment
- An alliance with me
- New perspectives
- The ability to stay focused
- Better decision making ability
- Peace & contentment
- The ability to see themselves in a positive way
Leslie Knibb is a is a USA Triathlon Level I Certified Coach, a USA Cycling Level III Certified Coach, and a Road Runners of America Certified Coach, as well as a 24 year triathlon veteran with a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University.
“I’m excited to work with athletes who are looking to achieve fitness and athletic success – to see their potential come to fruition. I design custom plans, and have worked with clients ranging in age from 13 to 53, recognizing individual differences and catering to help each one reach their goals.” Contact her at [email protected]