
How to Achieve Your Goals this Fall

A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

Have you ever stopped to think about what the saying ” a goal without a pan is just a wish” truly means? It’s easy to set goals, but turning those goals into reality requires more than desire—it requires action, strategy, and perseverance.

The warmth of summer is dissipating where I live, and fall is on the horizon. It’s time for change. It is hard to end my lovely summertime routines. Yet, I am energized to enjoy the crisp fall weather and motivated to accomplish family, home, health, and work goals that will give me more to enjoy in my life. I am making plans so that these changes, both large and small, will really happen.

The Difference Between Wishing and Planning

Without a plan for pursuit, a wish remains just that—a fleeting thought, a passing whim. A wish is something we hope for, something we dream about. It is the idea of a better future, a vision of success, happiness, or achievement. Dreams are great. I encourage them! All our wishes have the possibility of coming true, if we dare to pursue them. A goal backed by a solid plan is a commitment. It’s a declaration to yourself that you are willing to do whatever it takes to turn your dreams into reality.

The Power of a Plan

When you set a goal, you create a destination, but a plan – one we can create together through life coaching – is the roadmap that guides you there. A well-thought-out plan breaks down your goal into manageable steps, making it easier to take action. It helps you identify potential obstacles and consider how to overcome them. Planning also provides a timeline, ensuring you stay on track. I am here to help you hold yourself accountable.

Without a plan, even the most ambitious goals can feel overwhelming. You might find yourself stuck, unsure of where to start or how to proceed. A plan will help you gain clarity and direction, which fuels your motivation and keeps you moving forward.

How to Create an Actionable Plan

1. Define Your Goal: Sometimes, we don’t know exactly what we want out of life, but we know for sure that we want something different. Other times, we know exactly what we want but give up before we make any progress towards our goal! The first step is to be specific about what we want to achieve. (Hint: the more detailed your goal, the easier it will be to create a plan around it!)

2. Break It Down: Goals are awesome! I help my clients divide their goals into small, manageable tasks that they can complete. These tasks should be both actionable and time-bound. This helps avoid burnout by targeting small pieces of a goal, ensuring we can pivot or change direction when things aren’t working. We want to feel accomplished to do more, build on our achievements, and enjoy our lives by celebrating our successes along the way.

3. Anticipate Challenges: I also help clients brainstorm about potential obstacles they might face and how they can overcome them. Simply anticipating helps us stay resilient when things don’t go as planned.

5. Monitor Your Progress & Stay Accountable: Together, we will regularly review your progress towards your goal and adjust your plan as needed. Clients tell me it’s so much more fun to work together on goals rather than toiling away in solitude! I make sure you celebrate successes along the way and learn from any setbacks. I have a toolbox of proven life coaching strategies that will help keep you moving forward and accountable.

Let’s Create an Effective Alliance

Finding and maintaining your motivation is a continuous journey, and growth can be spiralic. Life coaching is a proven way to invest in your hopes and dreams – and turn them into reality. With me, you create a powerful alliance that helps you set clear goals, create a supportive environment, and celebrate your progress. Here are some testimonials from clients I specifically worked with on goals and planning:

“I want to sincerely thank you for the time you spent with me, and the tools you shared. I would never have been brave enough to just jump to such a radically different situation without support! But sometimes solving big problems (like a work situation that I can see now in hindsight was truly awful) requires making an unexpected change!”

“Catharine helped me figure out my goals, focus on them, confront them and be clear about what action to take.”

“As a result of our efforts, I feel more focused and clearer about how I want to spend my precious time and the importance of breaking out of the inertia that governs many of us.”

“I was able to clarify my professional and retirement goals through our work together, and I do believe I have become a better leader as a result.”

“Her counsel has been invaluable in helping me to finally get unstuck. I was surprised by the speed of my own progress. Catharine embodies the very best of coaches, empowering you to tap into the abilities you already have within yourself, encouraging you to take action and full ownership of your life.”

“After just a handful of sessions, Catharine helped me develop a toolkit to rediscover meaning and purpose. She is a beacon of light and I recommend her coaching skills to anyone looking for personal growth.”

Read more testimonials here.

As fall unfolds with its vibrant transformations, remember that you too are undergoing growth and change. Together, we can cultivate lasting motivation that makes your dreams reality. 

Work With Me

As a life coach, my mission is to help you realize your potential and live the life that you want. Remember, every moment counts. Working with me puts a supportive coach in your corner to help you seize today, take bold actions, and watch your dreams come to life.

My clients say the investment in life coaching is well worth it: with me, they have someone holding them accountable to creating the life they want. As your life coach, I will help you notice, identify, and eliminate self-sabotage and self-limiting beliefs that can keep you from moving forward to reach your goals. Together, we’ll dig deeply into what it is you really want out of life, and chart a path to help you get there.

As with any change, it is so much better when you have an ally to help you in this work. To enlist my help, call Catharine Ecton Life Coaching or schedule your free Life Coaching consultation today. In my blog about Life Coaching vs. Therapy, I discussed the differences and reasons why you might want to hire me as your life coach.

Not sure if Life Coaching is for you? Read Life Coaching testimonials from several of my happy clients here.

Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligations life coaching consultation and we can work on making your life a more powerful, positive one together. Or use the Appointment Scheduler and pick a time that works for you for a phone consultation. I look forward to hearing from you.


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